To begin with, it should be noted that proper nutrition and diet are two completely different concepts. If you can sit on one for at least your whole life, and remain slim and healthy, then the second one, if used improperly, will affect both your condition and your figure (due to the so-called superweight compensation, which inevitably follows any weight loss). Any doctor will confirm that switching to the diet should only be for medical reasons, such as before surgery or during treatment. If these arguments don't convince you and you really want to be the star of the New Year's Eve celebration, read on.
The Buckwheat Diet for Weight Loss is one of many single food systems that do not require portion size restrictions, but only provide one or two servings maximum. The effectiveness and safety of this method has yet to be clinically confirmed, so many nutritionists, doctors, and athletes dispute its benefits to the body. However, the system also has enough fans. The diet works only due to the low calorie content of cereals. Some fans of the diet even argue that if you dilute buckwheat with kefir, you can safely refuse other products.
Power diagram
The essence of such a diet is extremely simple: for a week or two, but not longer, for all meals, including snacks, - specially prepared buckwheat blocks. The grout must be thoroughly washed and "steamed", that is, poured in with boiling water and left for 5 to 6 hours. As a rule, buckwheat is prepared in the evening. The resulting mass is consumed in small portions over about five or six doses. Can not be cooked, add sugar, salt and other flavor enhancers. But water and green tea - in unlimited quantities, as well as kefir with a low percentage of fat, but not more than a liter per day.
If you manage to eat once a week buckwheat, from the second day, experts especially recommend diluting the frugal menu with other products. It is very dangerous to continue this diet for more than fourteen days, it is better to switch to proper nutrition and try to maintain the results.
A strict version of the diet is to eat buckwheat only with kefir or on its own. But there is also a frugal mode that allows you to eat certain vegetables, fruits and dairy. Such a diet will certainly be healthier and more complete. Buckwheat diet for weight loss in 7 days looks like this:

kefir, 100 grams of buckwheat (mass - steamed), cucumbers;
a carrot;
200 grams of buckwheat, 200 grams of vegetable salad with a tablespoon of olive oil;
kefir, 100 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of steamed vegetables.
120 grams of buckwheat, green tea;
kefir, apple or orange;
100 grams of steamed chicken breast, 130 grams of buckwheat, 50 grams of fresh vegetables;
150 grams of buckwheat, kefir.
140 grams of buckwheat, natural yogurt without sweeteners;
a carrot;
low-fat cottage cheese - 25 g, stewed buckwheat vegetables - 200 g;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
140 grams of buckwheat, boiled eggs;
low-fat cottage cheese up to 5% - 120 grams, 100 grams of fresh vegetable salad, 120 grams of buckwheat;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
bread with cereal - 1 slice, 180 grams of buckwheat;
1 boiled radish;
100 grams of chicken fillet and 150 grams of buckwheat;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
120 grams of cottage cheese, 120 grams of buckwheat, boiled eggs;
100 grams of fresh vegetable salad, 120 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of steamed fish fillets;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
120 grams of natural yogurt without sweeteners, 150 grams of buckwheat;
80 grams of steamed chicken fillet, fresh cucumbers, 120 grams of buckwheat;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
Advantages and disadvantages
By adding other products, fresh food with one product more or less turns right. The advantage of this approach is that the weight loss is quite rapid due to the low calorie content of the grains and the relatively low health risks compared to other single-diet diets. Buckwheat is still good for hair and nails, and is full of nutrients and fiber, helping to clean the intestines. Theoretically, there should be no physiological hunger, since the volume of buckwheat is unlimited. Nothing can be said about cravings for sweet, savory, or at least some other product. After all, at first glance it may seem like 14 days is a small amount of time. When you allow yourself to eat a single product, time goes on forever! One more point: if your body has a muscle mass that you do not want to lose, you should not resort to the buckwheat method, as the menu does not provide enough protein to "gain muscle", that is, they can onlysimply "burn out" and reduce the volume significantly.
Who should not try
The buckwheat diet is definitely not suitable for women with positions, who are breastfeeding, teenagers, as well as adults with problems with the stomach, intestines or nervous system. Patients diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure are also included in the list of contraindications of this weight loss method. Among the side effects that testers may experience, the most common are headache, weakness, loss of concentration, and decreased performance. The reason is that the body is lacking in glucose and some essential substances for the body due to poor nutrition.
It is necessary to leave the diet very carefully, remembering that with going back to the previous diet, supercompensation will inevitably occur, and the lost centimeters will come back, carrying morea few more centimeters. So we're going back to the regular menu smoothly, gradually introducing new steamed and oven-cooked dishes, as well as protein-rich foods. We miss sweets, fried foods, canned goods, starchy foods, and other foods only around the holidays.
Again, eating one food for a long time and avoiding a variety of foods will deprive the body of many of the nutrients it needs to function properly. Before reducing your menu to buckwheat and kefir, it's better to discuss testing with your doctor.
Alternative to buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet is not magic, suddenly eliminating unnecessary mass, it is quite a serious food restriction. And the secret is simple: if the average person needs to eat at least 1800 kcal per day, then a 1500 kcal diet, on average, obtained using only steamed buckwheat and kefir, will force the body to digestconsumes its stores in the form of body fat. But you can create such a calorie deficit not only with buckwheat, but also with other products!
It turns out that there is no need to torture yourself with a single product when you can eat well and lose weight at the same time. After all, any mono-diet is filled with declines (in simple words - "gluts"), and, obviously, you will definitely stop loving buckwheat after such an experiment. And finally - a few comments on the buckwheat diet from women who have experienced this method:
- "With the support of this diet, I lost 8 kg in 10 days! I am satisfied. I feel great throughout the day. No more weakness, bowel function is back to normal. Self-esteem. The news came out. Turns out I'm not what I thought I was. "
- "Not only did I lose 6 kg in a week, my skin also brightened up a bit, because buckwheat still helps to remove toxins from the body, only if someone wants to lose weight by dietingThis is not possible. Immediately after the end of the diet, gobble up all you see, but you need to introduce the products gradually.
- "The secret of the diet is that you don't feel hungry: just thinking about buckwheat - you immediately start feeling nauseous. At first, I ate normally, but only half as much as I did. need, because that's impossible. But no buckwheat. I sat down to drink.
- "Starting a diet, I'm sure I can handle it, and another two weeks will go by unnoticed. But how wrong I was! Simply can't sit down to work on it! buckwheat alone: you always want to sleep and be sad, so On the third day I had to supplement with fruits, vegetables and chicken. Everything became much easier, and the weight started to drop quite quickly. "
- "If you persevere, the diet will manifest itself in the best possible way. It's very difficult to cook for all the other family members, they want to eat normally. The three kilos are gone, I'm glad, butnow I turn it back on. buckwheat. "